Lina Bergkvist

Lina Bergkvist


Lina has worked with general business law advice and commercial dispute resolution both nationally and internationally since 2005. Lina assists clients with strategic advice in several business law areas, where Lina's extensive experience in dispute resolution is a strength. Lina has inter alia represented clients in post m&a disputes, shareholder disputes and billion SEK disputes in the automotive industry and the IT industry. Lina has extensive experience of national and international arbitration proceedings, both ad-hoc and institutional under the regulations of the SCC, LCIA and ICC. In addition, Lina has assisted clients before general courts, administrative courts and the Land and Environment courts. Lina has access to an extensive international network of foreign law firms. Lina is also frequently appointed as arbitrator in national and international arbitrations. Lina is also appointed as special examiner in accordance with chapter 10 sections 21-23 of the Swedish Companies Act (Swe. aktiebolagslagen) (SFS 2005:551) in listed companies in specific. Lina is also frequently appointed as a trustee and arbitrator in proceedings regarding compulsory redemption of shares. Lina is also a lecturer for the Swedish Bar Association on the topic "Running a Law firm," which has been introduced as a mandatory part of the Swedish Bar examination. 

Arbitration council in Sydsvenska Industri and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce's arbitration institute.

Recommended "future leader" "Who's who Arbitration" 2018 and 2019.

Swedish and English


2016-2023 Board member of the Southern Department of the Swedish Bar Association

2021/2022 Arbitrator Training Program arranged by SAA & SCC

2020- Zellberg Advokatbyrå AB, founder and partner
2020 The Board Academy's board education
2005-2020 Advokatfirman Vinge KB
2002-2004 Law clerk, Halmstad District Court
2002 LL.M., Lund University
2001-2002 Headquarters of the United Nations, New York

The International Comparative Legal Guide to International Arbitration 2021 - Sweden, ICLG 15th Edition                                     

The Mediation Institute's advance, Sydsvenskt näringsliv no. 2.2016

The International Comparative Legal Guide to Litigation & Dispute Resolution 2016 - Sweden, ICLG 9th Edition

The International Comparative Legal Guide to International Arbitration 2015 - Sweden, ICLG 12th Edition

The International Comparative Legal Guide to Litigation & Dispute Resolution 2015 - Sweden, ICLG 8th Edition

The International Comparative Legal Guide to International Arbitration 2015 - Sweden, ICLG 12th Edition

The International Comparative Legal Guide to International Arbitration 2013 - Sweden, ICLG 10th Edition

Making Use of the New SCC Rules on Emergency Arbitration, Why the Emergency Arbitrator’s decision cannot be enforced and how the new rules may be made useful nonetheless, Juridisk Tidskrift nr. 4 2009/2010

Swedish Bar Association (lawyer since 2009)
SAA (Swedish Arbitration Association)
OWAN (Öresund Women in Arbitration)
SWAN (Swedish Women in Arbitration Network)